- May 2025
TWOO7-011 TWO Otago – Preceptorship Workshop
06 May 2025Tue 9:00 AM Wed 4:30 PM Dunedin FreeRegistration not availableThis interactive 2-day workshop covers the following topics: • Learning styles • Constructive communication • Giving feedback • Teaching a skill • Assessing and documenting performance • Managing conflict situations
NEWG6-001 New Graduate Nurse Unstable Patient
julie.gorrie@southerndhb.govt.nzSupporting New graduates
TEWH36-004 Te Whatu Ora - Immediate Life Support Refresher
07 May 2025Wed 9:00 AM Wed 10:30 AM Dunedin FreeRegistration not availableYearly update to ensure staff are prepared for respiratory/cardiac arrest and choking.
ADVA22-002 Te Whatu Ora - Advanced Deteriorating Patient Workshop
08 May 2025Thu 8:00 AM Thu 4:30 PM Dunedin FreeRegistration not availableTo provide further learning around managing the Deteriorating Patient using an interprofessional teach, discuss and do approach to represent the ward clinical skill mix more accurately.
ADVA21-034 Advance Care Planning
Register4 places remainingAre you passionate about advance care planning (ACP)? We are looking for health professionals who want to: • help grow the use of ACP • learn how to translate an individual’s wishes into written documentation for ACP • gain experience in supporting patients with ACP Course pre-requisite: ACP e-learning needs to be completed before attending the workshop. https://acp.elearning.ac.nz. You will be notified if your application has or hasn't been successful for this course.
VENE1-003 Venepuncture Workshop
julie.gorrie@southerndhb.govt.nzA 3 hour course that develops skill and knowledge around venepuncture thus enabling participants to draw a high quality blood sample using modern vacutainer systems.
TEWH26-003 Te Whatu Ora – De-Escalation Study Day
Email julie.gorrie@southerndhb.govt.nzHow to Manage the Challenging Behaviour Overview: • Person–centred Care and Understanding Behaviour • De-escalation study day is designed to help caring staff understand the underlined physiological, and psychological drive behind the very challenging clients, and how to de-escalate the situation. The day is divided into theory, and practical sessions giving you the opportunity to put new skills into practice.
TEWH42-004 Te Whatu Ora - PDRP Assessor Education Sessions
09 May 2025Fri 8:30 AM Fri 4:30 PM Dunedin Monthly FreeRegistration not availableLimited to Te Whatu Ora PDRP assessors and those people coordinating PDRP within their organisations
TEWH32-007 Te Whatu Ora Wound Care Competency Study Day (NPWT and Compression Competency)
12 May 2025Mon 8:30 AM Mon 4:30 PM Dunedin FreeRegistration not availableThis study day is intended for nursing staff (RN and EN) who are required to gain competency in Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) and Compression Bandaging for practice. Sessions on Pressure Injury Prevention, Wound Assessment and making the right dressing selection will also be provided.
SDHB77-007 SDHB Deteriorating Patient Workshop
13 May 2025Tue 8:00 AM Tue 4:00 PM Dunedin FreeRegistration not availableThis interactive workshop has been designed to increase your confidence around the core elements of early detection and management of patients who are at risk of deteriorating, or who are deteriorating. Registrations to: julz.smith@southerndhb.govt.nz