Upcoming Events
- September 2025
SDHB74-021 Te Whatu Ora - Cardio-Respiratory Workshop
19 Sep 2025Fri 8:30 AM Fri 5:00 PM Dunedin FreeContact Joanne.robertson@southerndhb.govt.nzThe aim of this workshop is to improve Healthcare Professionals fundamental Cardiology and Respiratory knowledge. The workshop is divided into two four-hour sessions. The Respiratory workshop in the morning and the Cardiology workshop is in the afternoon. To register please contact: joanne.robertson@southerndhb.govt.nz Participants are welcome to attend the full workshop or just the morning or afternoon session. Please make this clear when enrolling.
VENE1-005 Venepuncture Workshop
julie.gorrie@southerndhb.govt.nzA 3 hour course that develops skill and knowledge around venepuncture thus enabling participants to draw a high quality blood sample using modern vacutainer systems.
TEWH26-004 Te Whatu Ora – De-Escalation Study Day
Email julie.gorrie@southerndhb.govt.nzHow to Manage the Challenging Behaviour Overview: • Person–centred Care and Understanding Behaviour • De-escalation study day is designed to help caring staff understand the underlined physiological, and psychological drive behind the very challenging clients, and how to de-escalate the situation. The day is divided into theory, and practical sessions giving you the opportunity to put new skills into practice.
TEWH40-007 Te Whatu Ora - Midwifery Emergency Skills Refresher Day
Registration not availableCore and LMC Midwives will refresh and update topics and skills in obstetric emergencies. RN’s will have an overview of obstetric emergencies & feel more confident in how they can contribute during these situations.
CPRI9-102 CPR Update Workshop
24 Sep 2025Wed 4:00 PM Wed 6:30 PM Dunedin Monthly FreeWellSouth CPR workshops are updates only. If this is your first training in CPR, please seek alternative training such as St John. Two types of CPR Update training are provided. Basic Life Support - Suitable for non-clinical employees and Immediate Life support (with Airways) for clinical employees. GP's are advised to attended Cor Advance or Advanced Resuscitation Skills. Please ensure you book onto the most appropriate course and complete the eLearning which is required before you attend.
TEWH48-008 Te Whatu Ora Southland – CVAD Workshop
Email julie.gorrie@southerndhb.govt.nzFollowing completion of self-directed learning package, Registered Nurses will be able to apply evidence-based theory to practice when managing patients with Central Venous Access Devices (CVAD).
MATE1-010 Maternity Intervention and Mandatory Breastfeeding Combined Study Day
Registration not availableA combined 4 hours of mandatory breast feeding education plus four hours of maternity trigger Interventions and relevant topics.
- October 2025
TEWH27-015 Te Whatu Ora Southland – VIP Family Violence and Child Protection (Core training)
jacinta.ayers@southerndhb.govt.nzTo give staff the knowledge, skills and frameworks to identify and address child abuse and partner abuse in the Te Whatu Ora Health context.
SMAR-014 Smart Training (safe moving handling and restraint elimination training)
julie.gorrie@southerndhb.govt.nzOverview: Mandatory for all new employees in Nursing, Midwifery, Allied Health and Health Care Assistants who have "direct" clinical patient contact. This format will ensure compliance with both Restraint Elimination and Moving and handling. Moving and handling require yearly update RMSP three yearly in conjunction with mandatory components.
TEWH37-009 Te Whatu Ora - IV Cannulation and Venepuncture Workshop
07 Oct 2025Tue 8:00 AM Tue 4:00 PM Dunedin Monthly FreeRegistration not availableTo introduce the participant to evidence based theoretical and practical information required to perform cannulation and venepuncture.