- December 2025
TEWH36-011 Te Whatu Ora - Immediate Life Support Refresher
11 Dec 2025Thu 9:00 AM Thu 10:30 AM Dunedin FreeRegistration not availableYearly update to ensure staff are prepared for respiratory/cardiac arrest and choking.
TEWH38-006 Te Whatu Ora - Male Catheterisation Course (Otago)
11 Dec 2025Thu 1:00 PM Thu 3:00 PM Dunedin FreeRegistration not available• Standardisation of care for the safe insertion (procedure) of urinary catheters in males, incorporating Best Practice. • Safe and consistent care of those with a urinary catheter
SAFE4-012 Safer Moving and Handling Revalidation Sessions
haim.haviv@southerndhb.govt.nzEducation opportunity to revalidate practical moving and handling certificate. (Yearly requirement, to acute hospital ward staff). 30-60 minutes sessions, depends on participant needs. Also, to assist problem solving area specific issues, relating to moving and handling.
SDHB15-026 Te Whatu Ora Health Care Assistants / Kaiawhina Forum
julie.gorrie@southerndhb.govt.nzThe Forum will provide a once a month learning opportunity for Health Care Assistants / Kaiawhina, covering a wide variety of clinically relevant topics about direct patient care, equipment, health and safety, different services and much more. The Forum can be attended face to face or via Microsoft TEAMS as appropriate. To register please contact Maike Rickertsen maike.rickertsen@southerndhb.govt.nz