- October 2025
TWOO6-008 TWO Otago – Kā Huruhuru Kea: Person-centred care and understanding behaviour
30 Oct 2025Thu 8:30 AM Thu 4:30 PM Dunedin FreeRegistration not availableProvides clinical staff with core knowledge and practical skills in effective communication and de-escalation of concerning behaviours which present within a variety of clinical settings.
- November 2025
MATE1-011 Maternity Intervention and Mandatory Breastfeeding Combined Study Day
Registration not availableA combined 4 hours of mandatory breast feeding education plus four hours of maternity trigger Interventions and relevant topics.
TEWH36-010 Te Whatu Ora - Immediate Life Support Refresher
03 Nov 2025Mon 9:00 AM Mon 10:30 AM Dunedin FreeRegistration not availableYearly update to ensure staff are prepared for respiratory/cardiac arrest and choking.
TEWH37-010 Te Whatu Ora - IV Cannulation and Venepuncture Workshop
04 Nov 2025Tue 8:00 AM Tue 4:00 PM Dunedin Monthly FreeRegistration not availableTo introduce the participant to evidence based theoretical and practical information required to perform cannulation and venepuncture.
Email julie.gorrie@southerndhb.govt.nzTo provide health professionals with the opportunity to update their knowledge and skills around caring for people with gastrointestinal disorders – including bowel/rectal cancer and upper GI cancers.
TEWH42-011 Te Whatu Ora - PDRP Assessor Education Sessions
04 Nov 2025Tue 8:30 AM Tue 4:30 PM Dunedin Monthly FreeRegistration not availableLimited to Te Whatu Ora PDRP assessors and those people coordinating PDRP within their organisations
TEWH27-016 Te Whatu Ora Southland – VIP Family Violence and Child Protection (Core training)
jacinta.ayers@southerndhb.govt.nzTo give staff the knowledge, skills and frameworks to identify and address child abuse and partner abuse in the Te Whatu Ora Health context.
SAFE4-011 Safer Moving and Handling Revalidation Sessions
haim.haviv@southerndhb.govt.nzEducation opportunity to revalidate practical moving and handling certificate. (Yearly requirement, to acute hospital ward staff). 30-60 minutes sessions, depends on participant needs. Also, to assist problem solving area specific issues, relating to moving and handling.
TWOO7-010 TWO Otago – Preceptorship Workshop
Registration not availableThis interactive 2-day workshop covers the following topics: • Learning styles • Constructive communication • Giving feedback • Teaching a skill • Assessing and documenting performance • Managing conflict situations
ADVA22-004 Te Whatu Ora - Advanced Deteriorating Patient Workshop
06 Nov 2025Thu 8:00 AM Thu 4:30 PM Dunedin FreeRegistration not availableTo provide further learning around managing the Deteriorating Patient using an interprofessional teach, discuss and do approach to represent the ward clinical skill mix more accurately.