- September 2025
TWOO9-006 TWO Otago PDRP Portfolio Workshop Otago – ‘Making it Easy’
03 Sep 2025Wed 9:00 AM Wed 4:30 PM Dunedin FreeRegistration not availableCourse Overview: This workshop aims to provide participants with knowledge regarding submission requirements for all PDRP levels. As part of this workshop all participants will have significant time to work on Self-Assessment, Peer-Assessment and /or appraisal with support from the PDRP Co-ordinator.
ADVA21-037 Advance Care Planning
Are you passionate about advance care planning (ACP)? We are looking for health professionals who want to: • help grow the use of ACP • learn how to translate an individual’s wishes into written documentation for ACP • gain experience in supporting patients with ACP Course pre-requisite: ACP e-learning needs to be completed before attending the workshop. https://acp.elearning.ac.nz. You will be notified if your application has or hasn't been successful for this course.
TEWH47-003 Te Whatu Ora - VIP Core Training
04 Sep 2025Thu 8:30 AM Thu 4:30 PM Dunedin FreeRegistration not availableTo give staff the knowledge, skills, and frameworks to identify and address child abuse and partner abuse in the Te Whatu Ora Health context.
TWOO8-005 TWO Otago – Palliative Care Study Day
04 Sep 2025Thu 8:30 AM Thu 4:30 PM Dunedin FreeRegistration not availableAims / Purpose: To increase knowledge and understanding of Palliative Care Desired Learning Outcomes: Able to discuss what is meant by a palliative care approach and incorporate into practice.
NEWG13-001 New Graduate Nurse Case Studies Presentations
julie.gorrie@southerndhb.govt.nzSupporting new graduates
TEWH25-007 Te Whatu Ora – Wound Care Implications and Treatments Study Day
08 Sep 2025Mon 8:30 AM Mon 4:30 PM Dunedin FreeRegistration not availableThis study day is intended for nursing staff (RNs and ENs) who undertake wound care as part of their practice
SDHB79-014 Te Whatu Ora Immediate Life Support Instructor Revalidation (3 yearly)
julie.gorrie@sotherndhb.govt.nz3 yearly updates for CPR instructor/assessors. Instructors will be updated to ensure consistency of teaching and practice across the organisation. To enrol please contact Julie Gorrie via julie.gorrie@sotherndhb.govt.nz or 03 214 8920.
TEWH24-013 Te Whatu Ora Otago – CVAD Workshop
09 Sep 2025Tue 8:30 AM Tue 4:30 PM Dunedin FreeRegistration not availableFollowing completion of self-directed learning package, Registered Nurses will be able to apply evidence-based theory to practice when managing patients with Central Venous Access Devices (CVAD).
TEWH36-008 Te Whatu Ora - Immediate Life Support Refresher
10 Sep 2025Wed 9:00 AM Wed 10:30 AM Dunedin FreeRegistration not availableYearly update to ensure staff are prepared for respiratory/cardiac arrest and choking.
ADVA22-003 Te Whatu Ora - Advanced Deteriorating Patient Workshop
11 Sep 2025Thu 8:00 AM Thu 4:30 PM Dunedin FreeRegistration not availableTo provide further learning around managing the Deteriorating Patient using an interprofessional teach, discuss and do approach to represent the ward clinical skill mix more accurately.