- June 2025
TWOO7-012 TWO Otago – Preceptorship Workshop
11 Jun 2025Wed 9:00 AM Thu 4:30 PM Dunedin FreeRegistration not availableThis interactive 2-day workshop covers the following topics: • Learning styles • Constructive communication • Giving feedback • Teaching a skill • Assessing and documenting performance • Managing conflict situations
NZRC4-010 NZRC CORE: Advanced Rescuer Course
12 Jun 2025Thu 8:20 AM Thu 4:30 PM Dunedin FreeRegistration not availableRegistered (Doctors, Senior Registered Nurses) participants will learn and demonstrate resuscitation-related clinical and non-clinical skills at the “Advanced” level required to be certified by the New Zealand Resuscitation Council (NZRC)
SDHB35-048 Te Whatu Ora - Cannulation workshop
Email julie.gorrie@southerndhb.govt.nzDevelopment of skill and knowledge around cannulation that enables the participants to non-traumatically and safely insert an appropriate intravenous catheter into a vein. To register Julie.gorrie@southerndhb.govt.nz, or 03 214 8920.
SAFE5-003 Safer Moving and Handling Trainers Day
julie.gorrie@southerndhb.govt.nzOverview and learning Outcomes: Understand why moving and handling programmes are required in the workplace Fundamental postures and actions when performing a manual handling task legislation governing manual handling in our workplace manual handling risk assessment and management (LITE)
SMAR-006 Smart Training (safe moving handling and restraint elimination training)
julie.gorrie@southerndhb.govt.nzOverview: Mandatory for all new employees in Nursing, Midwifery, Allied Health and Health Care Assistants who have "direct" clinical patient contact. This format will ensure compliance with both Restraint Elimination and Moving and handling. Moving and handling require yearly update RMSP three yearly in conjunction with mandatory components.
CPRI9-109 CPR Update Workshop
17 Jun 2025Tue 4:00 PM Tue 6:45 PM Invercargill 1.15 hours FreeWellSouth CPR workshops are updates only. If this is your first training in CPR, please seek alternative training such as St John. Two types of CPR Update training are provided. Basic Life Support - Suitable for non-clinical employees and Immediate Life support (with Airways) for clinical employees. GP's are advised to attended Cor Advance or Advanced Resuscitation Skills. Please ensure you book onto the most appropriate course and complete the eLearning which is required before you attend.
TEWH27-012 Te Whatu Ora Southland – VIP Family Violence and Child Protection (Core training)
jacinta.ayers@southerndhb.govt.nzTo give staff the knowledge, skills and frameworks to identify and address child abuse and partner abuse in the Te Whatu Ora Health context.
TWOO9-005 TWO Otago PDRP Portfolio Workshop Otago – ‘Making it Easy’
18 Jun 2025Wed 9:00 AM Wed 4:30 PM Dunedin FreeRegistration not availableCourse Overview: This workshop aims to provide participants with knowledge regarding submission requirements for all PDRP levels. As part of this workshop all participants will have significant time to work on Self-Assessment, Peer-Assessment and /or appraisal with support from the PDRP Co-ordinator.
TWOO8-004 TWO Otago – Palliative Care Study Day
19 Jun 2025Thu 8:30 AM Thu 4:30 PM Dunedin FreeRegistration not availableAims / Purpose: To increase knowledge and understanding of Palliative Care Desired Learning Outcomes: Able to discuss what is meant by a palliative care approach and incorporate into practice.
TEWH38-003 Te Whatu Ora - Male Catheterisation Course (Otago)
19 Jun 2025Thu 1:00 PM Thu 3:00 PM Dunedin FreeRegistration not available• Standardisation of care for the safe insertion (procedure) of urinary catheters in males, incorporating Best Practice. • Safe and consistent care of those with a urinary catheter