Te Whatu Ora – Advanced Deteriorating Patient Workshop
To provide further learning around managing the Deteriorating Patient using an interprofessional teach, discuss and do approach to represent the ward clinical skill mix more accurately.
May 08Thu 8:00 AM - Thu 4:30 PM Dunedin
- Free
Registration not available -
Sep 11Thu 8:00 AM - Thu 4:30 PM Dunedin
- Free
Registration not available -
Nov 06Thu 8:00 AM - Thu 4:30 PM Dunedin
- Free
Registration not available
Aims / Purpose:
To provide further learning around managing the Deteriorating Patient using an interprofessional teach, discuss and do approach to represent the ward clinical skill mix more accurately. The workshop is highly interactive with group sessions, scenarios and simulation built in throughout the day.
Desired Learning Outcomes:
To experiment with use of interprofessional team science to practice effective communication, using provided tools such as graded assertion, recapping, and closed loop communication.
To compare different ways of communicating and connecting.
Discussion around Human Factors, recognising the risks they pose in the health environment, and ways to reduce the risk.
Human Factors
-Case Study
-Team Science
-Conflict Resolution
Nurses and Allied health staff have the Deteriorating Patient Workshop as a pre-requisite.
Please contact:
Julz Smith / Bronwyn McGuire/Ange Price and John Egbuji Julz.Smith@southerndhb.govt.nz