This study day is intended for nursing staff (RN and EN) who are required to gain competency in Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) and Compression Bandaging for practice. Sessions on Pressure Injury Prevention, Wound Assessment and making the right dressing selection will also be provided.

  • Mar 10
    Mon 8:30 AM - Mon 4:30 PM Dunedin
    • Free
    Registration not available
  • May 12
    Mon 8:30 AM - Mon 4:30 PM Dunedin
    • Free
    Registration not available
  • Jun 09
    Mon 8:30 AM - Mon 4:30 PM Dunedin
    • Free
    Registration not available
  • Oct 13
    Mon 8:30 AM - Mon 4:30 PM Dunedin
    • Free
    Registration not available
  • Nov 10
    Mon 8:30 AM - Mon 4:30 PM Dunedin
    • Free
    Registration not available
None of these dates work for you? Suggest another date & time

Desired Learning Outcomes:

Those attending this study day will complete the required theory and practice for the application of NPWT and compression bandaging. Nurses will also extend their skills in comprehensive wound assessment and responsible decision making about dressing choice, and how to prevent pressure injury.

1. Negative Pressure wound treatment (NPWT), When? How? and why?
2. Appropriate use of compression bandaging in the treatment and management of leg ulcers.
3. Prevention of Pressure Injuries
4. Wound Assessment and Choosing the Right Dressing
5. Theoretical and Practical Assessment of competencies for 1 and 2
Nb. Pre study day learning (self-learning packages) require completion prior to attending this study day.

Register with Andrea Dorne, 4th Floor Clinical Nurse Educator, via email
• Self- learning packages with pre-reading requirements sent via email, with reminder email to participants 2 -3 weeks prior to the study day