The Serious Illness Conversation Guide Aotearoa is a set of structured questions, drawn from best practice in communications, which provides a framework to support clinicians explore what is important to patients/whānau in order to inform care decisions. It is the framework endorsed for use by the Health Quality and Safety Commission and the Te Whatu Ora to support shared goals of care conversations. The workshop provides training on how to use the guide.

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This course will enable learners to:

1.    Describe the evidence-based benefits of serious illness conversations for patients, families and whānau

2.    Describe your role in improving serious illness conversations

3.    List the components of the Serious Illness Conversation Guide

4.    Practice using the Serious Illness Conversation Guide


Participants are expected to actively participate in the workshop and are required to complete the following activities prior to attending, to assist with their learning.

You will not be able to register for the workshop until you have completed the Pre-course work.

  1. Pre-workshop questionnaire
  2. Serious Illness Conversation Guide Aotearoa
  3. Demographic questionnaire

Please enrol via HealthLearn: To activate a new account please email