Te Whatu Ora Immediate Life Support Instructor Revalidation (3 yearly)
3 yearly updates for CPR instructor/assessors. Instructors will be updated to ensure consistency of teaching and practice across the organisation. To enrol please contact Julie Gorrie via julie.gorrie@sotherndhb.govt.nz or 03 214 8920.
Feb 25julie.gorrie@sotherndhb.govt.nz
Jun 03julie.gorrie@sotherndhb.govt.nz
Sep 09julie.gorrie@sotherndhb.govt.nz
Course Overview and Learning Outcomes:
3 yearly updates for Southern DHB CPR instructor/assessors. Instructors will be updated to ensure consistency of teaching and practice across the organisation.
- Update on any changes to guidelines
- Demonstration and practice of CPR related skills including use of AED trainer
- Peer assessment
- Refresher of online resources
- Overview of resuscitation events from previous year
- Management of common medical emergencies
- Simulated scenario
Facilitator - Paul Winder - Resuscitation and Simulation Nurse Specialist.
For bookings, please contact Julie Gorrie via julie.gorrie@southerndhb.govt.nz or 03 214 8920.